The Perfect Sleep

I’m not a sleep connoisseur or a doctor, but I know what it feels like the day after a great healthy sleep. I’ve tried many sleep supplements over the years and while many haven’t done much for me I have had luck with a few. If I were to pick one of these supplements, I would go with Complete Sleep by Progressive. It contains a bit of melatonin, skullcap, rhodiola, chamomile extract, L-theanine. This combination seems to work in terms of getting me to sleep and keeping me asleep through the night. Ashwaganda I have also had some success with. An Indian root that’s helpful for stress, I’ve heard some people claim it’s as effective as lorazepam. While I did find it calming I am not yet sure how consistently it’s effective for sleep.

While I’ve tried some of the other supplements I found they didn’t work as effectively. 5-htp and Gaba are some herbs not found in Complete Sleep that I plan to experiment a bit more with. Apparently Gaba helps slow down the mind if you awaken at night. I will fill you in on how they work out.

I have some evening rituals to help me ease into that perfect sleep. For me these can include the following:

  • avoiding screen time late a couple of hours before sleep
  • avoiding late eating or drinking (esp. alcohol)
  • avoiding heavy meals (with heavy fat and protein) and drinking some chamomile tea (not too much)
  • fresh air and exercise throughout the day
  • avoiding caffeine (right now I’m drinking matcha which does have some, but I avoid coffee or black tea)
  • wind-down time to wash face, brush teeth, etc.
  • reading before sleep (nothing too taxing)
  • a cat’s purr (always therapeutic)

Always consult with your physician or sleep specialist before taking new medication.