Rethinking the Spring Equinox

Spring Vernal Equinox spiritual

For some reason this year the Vernal (Spring) Equinox feels a lot more like New Year’s Day than New Year’s Day did back in January. It’s a fresh start, a turning point when daylight begins to win out over darkness. Maybe it’s been a harsh Covid winter. I am receptive to the glimmers of light, to the space around me and to what is to come. 

During this time the sun moves across the earth’s equator, rather than to the north or south of it. The word equinox comes from the Latin word aequus (equal) and nox which means night. But for me the Spring Equinox makes me think of the “r” words for some reason: reawaken, rise, recharge, refresh, re-energize, rejuvenate, reactivate, renew, rekindle, restimulate, revitalize and revive. It’s the perfect time for meditative yoga and positive, grateful affirmations to centre us on that equinox – a new journey and a new year. 

There are hints of spring here in Canada already – new bulbs emerging from the depths of the cold, hard earth and soon a time to lay down seeds. It’s been a long Covid winter. Did I mention the word revive